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Session and Cookie in Backend Development

Backend developers use both session and cookie to manage user data and track user activities on the website. However, they have different purposes and characteristics in backend development.

A session is a server-side storage mechanism that allows the server to maintain information about a user across multiple requests. When a user access request to the server for the first time, the server creates a new session and assigns a unique session ID to that user.

The website stores this session ID in a cookie or the URL. The session data encompasses user preferences such as shopping cart contents, login status, and other essential information that necessitates remembrance across multiple pages on the website.

On the other hand, websites or web applications store cookies as tiny files on a user’s computer. These files can contain information that helps the website remember the user’s preferences, login details, or other relevant data to provide a user experience. Cookies allow websites to offer personalizing content and services to users,  that are commonly used by online retailers, social media platforms, and other websites to improve the user experience.

When a user visits a website for the first time, the website sends a cookie to the user’s browser. The website stores the cookie on the user’s computer and accesses it during subsequent visits.

Cookies can store various types of information, such as user preferences, shopping cart items, or login credentials.

Difference Between Session and Cookie

Data Storage 

Servers store session data on the server side, while clients store cookies on the client side. This means that session data is more secure, as it is not susceptible to tampering or hacking attempts from the client side.

Storage Location in Session and Cookie

Sessions can store more significant amounts of data than cookies, with a size limit of around 4KB. Therefore, sessions are better suited for storing larger amounts of data, such as user preferences or shopping cart contents.

Sessions can store more significant amounts of data compared to cookies, which have a size limit of around 4KB.


The website developer controls the lifetime of a cookie, whereas the lifetime of a session is bound to the user’s interaction with the website.

Cookies can be either persistent or non-persistent, while sessions are always temporary and expire when the user logs out or closes the browser.

Examples of Session and Cookie

When a user logs in to a website, the website sets up a session, enabling the tracking and storage of their actions across multiple pages. Examples include adding items to a cart or starting a discussion thread. The session expires when the user logs out or closes the browser.

A website sends a cookie to a user’s browser, which stores data such as language preferences or login credentials. Examples include remembering a preferred language or automatically logging in as a user.


sessions are more secure and provide better control over the lifetime of stored data, while cookies are more flexible and allow for more customization in terms of data storage and expiration.

The choice between sessions and cookies depends on the specific requirements of the application and the type of data that needs in storage.

In summary, while both store user data, sessions provide enhanced security and are more suitable for storing larger amounts of data, whereas cookies are better convenient for storing smaller amounts of data that need to persist across multiple sessions.

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