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SSL and its Importance in Web Security

SSL and its Importance in Web Security

SSL is an abbreviation for Secure Sockets Layer, and it’s a protocol that allows for secure communication over a computer network, most commonly the Internet. It ensures that data exchanged between a user’s web browser and a website’s server is encrypted and secure, preventing unauthorised access and tampering

WAF and How it is Different from a Firewall

WAF and How it is Different from a Firewall

A WAF, or Web Application Firewall, is a security tool or software solution that helps protect web applications from various types of attacks and vulnerabilities. It acts as a filter between web applications.

Session and Cookie in Backend Development

Session and Cookie in Backend Development

A session is a server-side storage mechanism that allows the server to maintain information about a user across multiple requests. When a user access request to the server for the first time, the server creates a new session and assigns a unique session ID to that user.

backend development and manegment

Concurrency, Backend Development, and Management

Concurrency in backend development refers to a system’s ability to handle multiple requests or processes simultaneously. It is significant because modern web applications are built to handle high traffic volumes, and users expect applications to be quick and responsive.