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Compiled Language and an Interpreted Language

Compiled languages translate source code into a machine or binary code that a computer's CPU can execute directly by analyzing and compiling the source code.

Compiled languages translate source code into a machine or binary code that a computer’s CPU can execute directly by analyzing and compiling the source code.

Examples of compiled languages include C, C++, Java, Swift, CLEO, COBOL, Haskell, Rusk, and Go.

compiled languages

On the other hand,

Interpreted languages execute directly through an interpreter program, which reads and executes code with a high level of programming language, instead of being compiled into machine code. Interpreted languages offer greater flexibility because they are platform-independent and can run on any system with the appropriate interpreter installed.

Examples of interpreted languages include Basic, Python, Ruby, Perl, javascript, and PHP.

However, compiled languages are often faster and more efficient than interpreted ones since they require more computational resources to execute the code.

Difference Between Compiled Language and an Interpreted Language: 


An interpreter is not required for compiled languages, making them faster and more efficient. These languages pre-compile, optimize and store the code in memory.


Interpreted languages offer greater portability than compiled ones. Any system with an interpreter installed can run an interpreted language, while compiled languages may need recompilation for different systems.


Machine code executes directly from compiled languages, while interpreted languages execute line by line through an interpreter, resulting in code-interpreter-output.


Compiled languages require compilation, while interpreted languages do not.


Developing compiled languages is generally more complex than developing interpreted ones. Compiled languages need a compilation step before executing the code, slowing down the development process as changes to the code require recompilation.


Interpreted languages have an advantage over compiled ones in debugging. As an interpreter executes the code on-the-fly, it is often easier to trace the execution path and identify errors in the code. Nevertheless, compiled languages have debugging tools and techniques such as debuggers, which enable developers to step through the compiled code and inspect its state at each step.

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